A network of knowledge – Competence in Process Automation

IT Technology

Automation systems today require more and more knowledge of the IT world. In this theme, the abacon group is your reliable and strong partner as well. We support you with the infrastructure of your process control level to the interfaces of your company's IT.

Our services range from industrial IT to business IT.

We design, supply, install and administer your complex automation and IT system.

  • Our system integrators team consists of Microsoft certified staff, which also have extensive knowledge in the field of virtualisation and can thereby open new paths and opportunities, compared to conventional solutions.



We conceive

your system solution taking into account the requirements of the manufacturer and your needs.

We install

your system according to manufacturer specifications and document the installation.

We test

the installed system against the requirements of the specification requirements.

We supply

the necessary hardware and software.

We configure

the installed system according to your requirements.

We execute

the commissioning of the installed system.

We administer

and maintain your automation system, even after commissioning.